Monday, December 13, 2010

Join Our Google Group!

We are happy to announce that we have started a Google Group for more intimate on-line support. Please contact Program Director Brian Grev for more information (

Even though we have only recently started our program, our members have lost a total of over FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS!

Our members are working very hard, exploring tough issues such as stress management, personal responsibility, and time management. We are all learning....

"It's not just about the weight!"

Our members consistently report that they feel better and have more energy. They are able to do more physical activity than they were able to do before joining the Program. We're able to reduce medications for blood pressure control and diabetes. And they are getting wonderful validation by following their improving lab tests.

For our members, we are forecasting a brighter 2011.
Remember, we're all in this together.
Linda Gromko, MD