Friday, November 2, 2012

Holidays: Making Challenging Times Motivating

The holiday season is built around food and drink; there is no secret or illusion about this. The best way to combat a season dedicated to ruining your diet is to treat it no differently than the rest of the year. You need a solid plan, an organizational strategy, and an easy to follow daily routine.
Let’s start with some coping strategies:
  • Start planning early. The best way to beat the holiday season is to get the jump on it! Make a workout plan. Get recipes together that are low in calories but high in satisfaction. Plan outings with friends and family that don't focus on food.
  • Imagine the holidays as singular days instead of a whole season. The "holiday season" really includes four recognized food-related holidays; 4 days won’t set you back but 4 months will.
  • Emphasize the non-food joys of the holidays. Many people take this time to volunteer, spend time with old friends, work on special projects, read goods books, etc. Holidays are about doing things that make you happy.
After establishing a foundation of positive thinking, pull out your calendar and do the following:
  • Pick a colored pen and circle holiday parties or dates that could be potential pitfalls for your diet. Try not to have more than one a week to best ensure success.
  • In another color, circle fun activities that don't revolve around food. Try to keep your calendar in a 1:1 ratio or better with challenging diet activities.
Build a daily routine:
  1. Weigh yourself daily. Track your weight and take notice of post- holiday party weigh-ins.
  2. Start each day with a healthy breakfast. If it's not an OPTIFAST product, be sure it is low calorie and nutritionally healthy.
  3. Exercise daily. The holiday season is the most important time to stay active in the Pacific Northwest. When the weather turns, it is easy to make excuses to stay inside. Not you, though! Invest in a good rain jacket and continue walks around the neighborhood, or make the trek to the gym. The weather should never be an excuse to quit on your goals!
Mark Provenzano,
Program Director

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