Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Tip from the Trenches" #1

Anything that makes your weight loss program even a little easier is a bonus. Follow our "Tips from the Trenches" from those who know:

Tip #1:

Don't get caught without your OPTIFAST food when there's a chance you might get stuck in traffic, etc.

Use quart-sized Ziploc-style bags to assemble a few provisions: Ready-to-Drink shakes, powdered shake mixes, or a bar or two. Hide these in your trunk or glove box so you'll never get caught without.

Remember, not having your Meal Replacements available - in the face of hunger - is a temptation to go off-program!

Remember, we're all in this together.
Linda Gromko, MD

1 comment:

  1. Not only is that a good tip for active weight loss, but it's CRUCIAL for transition and beyond. The only way we can be successful at long-term weight management is to be organized and prepared. Gone are the days of not knowing what you'll have for lunch. Gone are the days of going five or six hours between meals. Preparation sets us up for success.
