Monday, August 23, 2010

Long Term Weight Management: It's Not a Sprint to the Finish!

 I overheard Tim Franklin, our Program Director, talking with a client,

"Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint!" he said.

So true! But how human it is for us to want to lose our weight at lightening speed. It's sometimes hard to remember that it's taken a lifetime of habits and patterns to develop our weight problems in the first place.

Like Tim, I want to remind us all to remember the following:

1.  Stay on the Program.
2.  Don't freelance.
3.  Just get through today. Trust the Program.
4.  Easy to say, but try to ignore weight fluctuations; Weigh at the Office only - for consistency.
5.  Know that many people share similar struggles, and we're finding solutions together.

Many of us are moving towards Transition! This is where we are reminded that we are learning how to manage food for the rest of our lives.

We're not in this just for a prom dress anymore; we're in this for long-term, sustained results.
And remember, we're all in this together.
Linda Gromko, MD


  1. I am among those preparing to move into transition. I'm 26.5 lbs lighter, since June!
    The time has passed more rapidly than I imagined at the beginning, and taking it one day at a time kept me in the program and moving forward. In additiona to transitioning into food, I'm also transitioning into a new size! None of my jeans fit, so I'm going to visit Nordstrom Rack this week end for some get-me-to-the-next-level pants.

    The best resource I've found for recycling my larger clothes is 2 Big Blondes, 2501 So. Jackson St. on Capitol Hill. 206/762-8620. This is a killer store for consignment of things that no longer fit and for finding some good deals on things that will--for the moment!

    I'm hanging with the program!


  2. Thanks, Jane - and congratulations on your good work. Consignment is a wonderful answer for those of us who are transitioning to smaller sizes. And for getting top dollar for our now too-big clothing. Thanks for the tip. Linda

  3. One thing I have learned as I approach my own transition relates to meal frequency. Since starting the OPTIFAST program, I have eaten six meals a day. Now, as I head into transition and beyond, I simply can't IMAGINE eating less than six times daily. Our body needs constant fuel, in the form of reasonable portion sizes. Way to go, Jane!
