Thursday, September 30, 2010

Join Linda in Rowing Through the Winter - even Vicariously!

Here's to announce a new, and very personal blog,  It celebrates a great love of mine: rowing. Rowing is a great form of exercise, and a wonderful way to make and connect with friends.

Of course, any form of exercise will work in a weight management and fitness program.

The best exercise, after all, is the one a person will do!

Take time to find what you like to do...even if exercise was never a high point in your life before. Try something new as you accomplish your weight transformation.

Think of exercise as "recess" for adults!

Join me as I row through the winter, physically and metaphorically. Glad to have you along.
We're all in this together.
Linda Gromko, MD

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thank you, Tim!

It is with sadness that we announce the resignation of our Director, Tim Franklin.

Brian Grev, Dr. Gromko's Medical Assistant who has been with the practice for years, has agreed to step up and take over Tim's responsibilities, at least on an interim basis. Brian has special interests in nutrition and in physical fitness. He will do an excellent job!

We welcome Brain in this new capacity, and thank Tim for his excellent service.

Linda Gromko, MD

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Why am I hungry?"

One of our members suggested a useful tool for getting in touch with emotional eating. When feeling hunger, she will stop, take a breath, and ask:

"Why am I hungry?"

Pretty basic? Not at all. For those of us with weight challenges, "Why am I hungry?" can be a critical question!

So often, the answer might be:

  • "because I'm procrastinating..."
  • "because I'm bored..."
  • "because I'm tired..."
  • "because I'm angry at my husband..."
  • "because I'm frustrated at work..."
  • "because I'm worried..."
  • "because I'm facing a big decision..."
You name it....but so often, we notice our hunger cues come from something other than physical hunger!

Now if it's time to eat a meal/meal replacement, it may be actual physical hunger. But take the second to ask if there's something else going on!

Get in touch with the reasons for your own non-nutritional eating.
We're all in this together.
Linda Gromko, MD